MALTHUS (Thomas Robert).

Additions to the fourth and former editions of an Essay on the Principle of Population, &c. &c.

First edition. 8vo. iv, 327, [1] pp. Modern quarter polished calf with marbled paper covered boards, spine with five single raised bands outlined in blind, second panel lettered and ruled in gilt, edges untrimmed (spotting to title page and terminal leaf, with some further faint spotting occasionally throughout, still a very pleasing, uncut copy). London, John Murray, 1817.


Originally published anonymously in 1798, Malthus’s Essay on Population was so substantially enlarged, rewritten, and re-titled in subsequent editions as to be entirely new works. ‘The first edition was essentially a fighting tract, but later editions were considerably altered and grew bulkier as Malthus defended his views against a host of critics’ (PMM).

The present ‘Additions’ were printed from the substantially revised and enlarged fifth edition and here published separately for readers who already owned earlier editions. The fifth edition contained particularly extensive additions compared to the previous editions. Malthus contributed a new preface, rewrote chapters 8 to 13, and provided new chapters on France, England, and the Poor Laws.

Goldsmiths’, 21762; Kress, B.6973.

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