Buildings of To-day and To-morrow. A Review of Modern Construction.
“The object of this book is, in the first place, to review the past and present activities of the firm Trollope & Colls, and at the same time to direct attention to the fact, as will be seen from the following pages, that the scope of the Company’s business is not limited to building and public works contracting at home and abroad, but embraces the highest class of decorative work and furnishing, both for ships and for buildings.” (p. 4). Trollope & Colls was one of the largest construction companies in the UK. It was formed in 1903 as a merger of two family firms going back to the 18th century. They were known for interior decoration (including the fitting of ocean liners), cabinet making, building, and civil engineering. The last chapter focusses on construction in Shanghai incl. the Glen Line Building, the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank.