POPPER (Karl R.)

Die öffentliche Meinung im Lichte der Grundsätze des Liberalismus.

Original offprint. 8vo. [7]-17, [1, blank] pp. Original printed wrappers (faint creasing to extremities, otherwise very good). Düsseldorf und München, Helmut Küpper vormals Georg Bondi, Unverkäuflicher Sonderdruck aus ORDO: Jahrbuch für die Ordnung von Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 1956.


Inscribed by the author ‘To Herman, with kind regards, from Karl.’ in black ink to head of front cover.

The first separate appearance of this paper originally read before the 6th meeting of Mont Pèlerin Society at their conference in Venice, September 1954. Popper’s English version of the text, titled ‘Public Opinion and Liberal Principles’, would appear as part of his 1996 collection of essays In Search of a Better World.

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