KEYNES (John Maynard).
The Economic Consequences of Mr. Churchill.
An expansion of several articles originally published in the Evening Standard, with Keynes strongly criticising the decision of the then Chancellor of the Exchequer Winston S. Churchill to ‘return to the gold standard at prewar parity, claiming that the resulting over-valuation of the pound generated depression in British export industries which then spread to the rest of the economy’ (New Palgrave). ‘Keynes’ pamphlet was composed in his finest controversial style. Every sentence told. The arguments were unanswerable, and the reviewers, mainly hostile, could only fume and splutter’ (Harrod, The Life of John Maynard Keynes).
Moggridge, C4.1; Woolmer, A Checklist of the Hogarth Press, 66; Zoller, Annotated Bibliography of Works About Sir Winston S. Churchill, A10.