Inscribed by the author to Osbert Sitwell: “Osbert from Evan. 1926”. Morgan, Viscount Tredegar, was cast by life as the archetype aristocratic eccentric dilletante. His spiritual needs were taken care of serially by occultism (he had a very well equipped magick room at Tredegar house) and then by Catholicism (he acted as Chamberlain to two popes); his emotional life was predominantly homosexual (Ronald Firbank called him Heaven Organ, in a strange echo of Llaregub), yet he married twice; he kept the usual menagerie at home. He was on the right of politics, and had a bad war. He was in the signals section of Military Intelligence known as MI8 and was put in charge of a pigeon deployment plan. Not only did the plan fail when the pigeons were plucked by turbulence when dropped from aeroplanes, but he was then charged with treason for talking about it. Some insect damage to the cloth, the gilt ‘T’ of the title eaten away, otherwise an excellent copy.