[TEXAS] & ESPINOSA (Isidro Felis de).

El Peregrino Septentrional Atlante: delineado en la exemplarissima vida del veneranle padre F. Antonio Margil de Jesus.


Second edition. Engraved portrait. 8vo. Modern calf, title printed in red and black, dampstaining to title-page & frontispiece, text otherwise clean & bright. x, 411, [1], [4 index]pp. Valencia, Joseph Thomas Lucas, 1742.


First printed in Mexico in 1737, this is an important and rare work on Texas, and contains an authoritative biography of Margil, whom Espinosa accompanied on his expedition to Texas.

“Although stationed at the missionary college of Santa Cruz, Queretaro, he travelled to missions all over the country, penetrating as far as Yucatan, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala… In 1716, in the company of Louis Juchereau de St Denis, Margil led a band of three fathers … and two lay brothers into Texas, and founded the mission of Nuestra Senora de Guadelupe among the Nacogdoches, then Dolores among the Ays, and San Miguel among the Adays (fifteen miles to the west of Natchitoches). When the French destroys these missions, Margil withdrew to the Rio San Antonio, and remained near the present city of San Antonio for more than a year” (Howgego).

Basic Texas Books 59B; Eberstadt, Texas 162:288: “A scarcer book even than the earlier [Mexican] edition.”; Howes E84; Howgego, M46; Wagner Spanish South West 102a.

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