BAINES (Thomas).

Explorations in South-West Africa.


Being an Account of a Journey in the Years 1861 and 1862 from Walvisch bay, on the Western Coast, to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls.First edition. 3 folding maps, chromolithograph frontispiece & 8 other plates, with further illustrations in the text. 8vo. Fine original blind-stamped green cloth, spine gilt, headcap expertly repaired, bookplate to front pastedown. xiv, 535pp. London, 1864.


Baines was appointed official artist to the Zambesi expedition in 1858 and travelled into the interior with Dr. Livingstone before leaving in 1861 to return to Cape Town. Following a severe illness, Baines set out himself to travel from the Western Coast to Lake Ngami and the Victoria Falls. Mendelssohn I, p69-70; Hosken, p9.

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