Guida Fedele alla Santa Citta' di Gierusalemme, e Descrittione di Tutta Terra Santa...

Embellished with over a hundred woodcuts of the Holy Land

Third edition. Folding engraved plate of Via Dolorosa and 133 woodcuts in the text. Small 8vo. Contemporary vellum, ms. title to spine; several (defunct) wormholes to spine, wear and small area of loss to foot, vellum a little darkened and dusty, otherwise near very good. Small library stamp to title-page and crossed-out ms. note (shelfmark?) to front pastedown. Occasional spotting and browning to interior. [16], 429, [19]pp. Venetia, Domenico Lovisa, 1714.


A nice copy of this scarce and profusely illustrated guide to Jerusalem and the Holy Land. The author was a Venetian missionary to Palestine and his guide draws not just on his long residence there, but also his wider travels in the Levant and Egypt, with descriptions of cities stretching from Aleppo to Cairo.

The book proved popular and went through five editions between 1703 and 1726. It is remarkably well-illustrated with woodcuts, showing religious sites and architecture in Jerusalem. Additional illustrations appear to be unspecific cityscapes, as they feature more than once in the volume, clearly deployed to illustrate places for which the publisher had no image.

Röhricht, p.292.

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