FORMAN (James).

The High Tide of Black Resistance.


First edition. 8vo. Publisher’s printed wrappers, a little toned, small crease to rear but very good. 27, [1]pp. New York, SNCC, International Affairs Commission, [, 1968.


A crisp copy of this important contribution to the Civil Rights movement and Black nationalism. Commencing with the “Ode to 1967”, James Forman’s (1928-2005) wide-ranging study of Black liberation, primarily in the United States but also in South Africa and the war in Vietnam.

Forman makes his case clear in the first paragraph: “Our liberation will only when there is final destruction of this mad octopus - the capitalistic system of the United States with all its life-sucking tentacles of exploitation and racism that choke the people of Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”

He provides a detailed discussion of important moments in the civil rights movement between 1947-1967, especially documenting the Black power movement. These include Brown vs the Board of Education; the Montgomery bus boycott; the lynchings of Emmett Till and Charles Mack Packer; and the response to integration at Little Rock School.

forman was the executive secretary of the Student Non-violence Co-ordinating Committee, and active in the Black Panther Party and the League of Revolutionary Black Workers.

This book was published in the same year as Forman’s first book, Sammy Yonge, Jr.

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