Historiated initial "S" with small miniature of the Stoning of St. Stephen. Italy (Umbria), c.

*St. Stephen kneels in prayer and looks up towards God whose face appears in the sky while two men in blue tunics raise their hands ready to stone the saint; the initial painted in pink with a blue surround.*Size of cutting: 77 x 70mm. On verso, square musical notation on 4-line staves, 1280.


An early Italian initial which appears to be the work of an Umbrian illuminator, which can be compared to initials in two other Umbrian manuscripts of the late 13th century: 1) A Franciscan Missal in the Pinacotheca Comunale in Deruta; 2) Codex 219C in the Biblioteca Comunale in Todi. Cut from an antiphonal, colours slightly faded, and some flaking of the gold haloes.

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