Frontispiece and twenty-one other plates, four folding maps and plans, three of them coloured. Recased in the original cloth with leather corners, a little rubbed, professionally refurbished. xiv, 184pp. Aldershot, Gale & Polden LTD., 1912.
Perkins pp.498. “A good all-round narrative history for the period 1815-1899, with appendices covering the period 1900-1910.” It will be noted that the binding of this example is a variant from Perkins’ “Green boards, red leather spine and quarters”. Ownership inscription of Maj.-Gen. Neville Godfray Hind to the front free endpaper. Hind served with the Regiment in the Great War in France, Egypt, Baluchistan and Waziristan 1919-1920. He was later Commandant of the 2/2nd Gurkhas. A list of “Regimental Anniversaries” inked to the verso of the last text leaf. This edition is rarely encountered.