BORDONE (Benedetto).
Isolario di ... Nel qual si ragiona ditutte l'Isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loro viuere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giaciono...
Second edition, following the first of 1528 and with the original woodcut blocks of the islands re-used. This edition contains the earliest description in book form of Pizarro’s conquest of Peru. A most interesting geographical account of islands of the world, a work which appeared in several sixteenth century editions. The maps are striking and important, and among the most important in the work is the large map of the city of Mexico, showing it before the conquest by Cortes. The “Terra de Lavoratore” map on the verso of leaf six contains what is considered the first printed map of continental North America. The verso of leaf twelve contains a map of Hispaniola, and the following leaf bears a map of Jamaica on the recto and of Cuba on the verso. Other Caribbean islands depicted by maps include Guadeloupe, Dominica, and Martinique. Further to its American interest, Borba de Moraes singles out this 1534 edition for its inclusion of an account of the conquest of Peru and the victory of Pizarro.
There are four double-page maps of the world, Europe and north Africa, the eastern Mediterranean, and Venice and the lagoon. In addition, 108 maps ranging from full-page down to several inches square illustrate islands,mostly in the eastern Mediterranean. There is also one of the earliest European representations of Japan. Bordone, in addition to being a geographer, was also a painter and had a bookshop in Padua. A significant book, with lovely early maps.
BM Italian p.120; Borba de Moraes I, p.112; Brunet I, 112; European Americana 534/2; Harrisse Bav 187; JCB (3) 1:112; cf. Mortimer Italian 82; Phillips Atlases 162; Sabin 6419.