Koga to Shinko Shashin - The Koga Magazine and New Photography: Koga and Japanese Modernism.
‘Koga’ was the most important organ of Shinko Shashin, the modernist movement that swept through Japan after 1930. It was founded by Nojima Yasuzo in association with Nakayama Iwata, Akiba Kei, and Kimura Ihei and was published in Tokyo in 18 issues between May 1932 and December 1933. Introducing some of the most important avant-garde photographers from Europe like Man Ray, El Lissitzky, Otto Nagel, and Kurt Kranz, the magazine featured the most important Japanese proponents of Shinko Shashin, like Horino Masao, Natori Yonosuke, Iida Kojiro, Hanaya Kambei, Nojima Yasuzo as well as prominent members of the Ashiya Camera Club in Kobe.
“This volume has been published as a catalogue for an exhibition centred on photographs printed in Koga and New Photography Studies and examining the influence of the work of foreign photographs on the New Photography and subsequent modes of photographic expression.” (Preface).
It is an important contribution to the modernist movement in Japan with excellent reproductions of the photographs.