Kohi ateji katazome rimpyo shu [Stencil-dye illustrated collection of coffee themed matchbox labels]

First edition, no.30 of a limited edition of 200. 3 vols. Each volume entirely stencil-printed, with colour plates on every page. Mamehon, measuring 80 by 60mm. Orihon binding, original brown stencil-printed boards, brown stencil-printed chitsu folding cases for each volume, in fine condition. Unpaginated, each volume [24]pp. Tokyo, Kosho Tsushinsha, Undated [but Showa 62, i.e. 1987].


A wonderful ode to the pleasures of coffee. Kamisaki explores a wide range of coffee pots and coffee grinders, as well as the roasting process and coffee-drinking cultures.

Stock No.