RUSCELLI (Girolamo)
Le impresi illustri . . . aggiuntovi nuovamte. il quadro libro da Vicenzo Ruscelli da Viterbo. Al serenissimo principe Guglielmo Gonzaga Duca di Mantova et Monferato.
Venice: Francesco de' Franceschi, 1584
The most complete edition of this famous collection of imprese, with the first appearance of the fourth book by the author’s nephew Vincenzo Ruscelli and illustrations of about 130 devices.
The work first appeared in 1566 and was reprinted in 1572; Cicognara believed that this edition was the next to appear preceding the one dated 1580 (probably a contrefaçon). Ruscelli’s (d. 1566) Le impresi illustri is important for the history of prominent people (mainly Italians), reproducing their devices and coats-of-arms and giving miscellaneous information on their lives; the notes on Onofrio Panvinio contain a bibliography of works printed, works circulating in manuscript and works in progress. Of the non-Italians King Soliman of the Turks is merited a full- page engraving with the motto printed in arabic characters.
Provenance: Contemporary signature at foot of title ‘Francisco Caccia?’. 18th century armorial book label of the Lamberti family. Inscription dated 1930 and stamp on front free-endpaper.
Title with partial highlighting in pink, one or two neat small repairs, otherwise a good, clean copy.
Cicognara 1949. Praz, p. 482. Adams, R955. Mortimer, 449 (1566 ed.).