IRVING (Edward).
A Narrative of the Kaffir War of 1850-51-52.
Rare. In November 1850, despite many warnings to the contrary, Sir Harry Smith contended that the Kaffir question had already been dealt with and, that the chances of another war were minimal and, if war did break out it could be dealt with swiftly. This contention was refuted in December of the same year and hostilites commenced on the 24th.
“The narrative of hostilities is written from the extreme Colonial point of view, and, if missionaries of the Kat River Settlement are not actually charged with aiding and abetting the Hottentot Rebels, it is certainly insinuated that their advice to them was injuducious almost to a crime” (Mendelssohn). The missionaries were later exonerated by a Special Commission in 1854.
This account finishes in April 1851. As the war itself did not finish until 1853, it is by definition an incomplete history. Mendelssohn I, pp614-5.