Very scarce general chart of the Mediterranean Sea originally published by Seller and Price in 1703, presumably intended for their edition of The English Pilot. Part III. Describing the Sea Coasts, Capes, Head-Lands, Bays, Roads, Harbours, Rivers and Ports, together with the soundings, sands, rocks and dangers in the whole Mediterranian Sea …, published jointly with Richard Mount.
However, the only copy of the this edition in a British institution, in the British Library, was assembled and sold by Mount, who (not surprisingly) used his own chart of the Mediterranean; the chart is also found in Seller and Price’s ‘English Neptune’, 1704. After the bankruptcy of Seller and Price, in 1705/1706, Mount acquired their stock of printing plates which his heirs utilised with the Seller and Price imprint erased, as here, in some subsequent editions of the Mediterranean.
The chart has details of the important (to the English) trading ports of Livorno, Tunis, Smyra and Alexandretta.