Noticias del Exercito Frances. Empleado contra los Rusos, sacadas de Gazetas Portuguesas del mes de Febrero de 1807.
A number of printed extracts, principally taken from the Gazeta de Lisboa (or supplements to that periodical). The first six concern conflict between France and Russia in Poland during the War of the Fourth Coalition. Covering the 30th of December 1806 to the 19th of January, they include an account of the Battle of Pultusk. The other six extracts report on events in Europe more generally, again with a focus on developments in the Napoleonic Wars. They cover events from mid-December 1806 to late January 1807.
The editor’s note states that out of all the gazettes surveyed, there is not one that mentions news of the British Empire or of the Spanish Americas.
Apparently unrecorded. Not in Palau. No copies in WorldCat. Not in the BNF.