GEORGE (Henry).

Progreso y Miseria. Investigación de la causa de las crisis industriales y del aumento de la miseria al aumentar la riqueza. Traducción del Ingles, autorizada y revisada por el autor.

First edition in Spanish. 8vo. \[4\], 476 pp. Original printed wrappers (faint uniform browning to paper stock with only occasional hint of faint spotting to margins, contents otherwise generally clean and unmarked; minor creasing to spine with small loss at ends, long tear at foot of front joint, chipping to fore edge of front cover continuing to opening leaves, without loss to text, long closed tear to lower edge of rear cover). Barcelona, Jaime Jepús y Roviralta, 1893.


The first Spanish translation of Henry George’s Progress and Poverty, ‘the most influential of American works on economics’ (Grolier) - a pleasing copy, unsophisticated in the rare original wrappers.

A landmark in American economic thought, originally published in San Francisco in 1879, Progress and Poverty earned Henry George an international reputation as prophet and reformer. He proposed to abolish poverty and secure fair distribution of the rewards of labor by appropriating all economic rent by taxation, and abolishing all taxation except upon land values. Today the slogan of the single tax still unties the followers of Henry George’ (Grolier, American One Hundred, 81).

The present Spanish translation was undertaken by the Spanish politician and sociologist Baldomero Argente del Castillo (1877-1965) with the assistance of Henry George himself.

Rare. OCLC list only BL and two in US (Duke and NYPL) outside of Spanish-speaking countries.

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