The Struldbrug. A Rectorial Address, St.Andrews: Sept.14, 1911.

First edition, limited to 20 copies. 8vo., full red crushed morocco, lettered in gilt on the spine, gilt turn-ins, signed Riviere and Sons, t.e.g. privately printed, Edinburgh, 1911.


Pasted to a stub and bound in an ALS on Rosebery’s headed notepaper ‘Dalmeny House Edinburgh’, with his printed monogram, dated ‘Feb 19/12’, ‘My dear Evan, I meant to have sent you the enclosed long ago but the thing (Not you!) went out of my mind. Will you give the other copy to Gosse if he cares to have it. I sent it as you and he were my Scots Greys! Yours R.’. The recipient is Sir Evan Charteris, Barrister, formerly on the boards of The Tate Gallery and The National Gallery, author of ‘The Life and Letters of Edmund Gosse’. Struldbrugs were a race of apparent immortals in Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels, and in this lecture Rosebery, Prime Minister from 1894 to 1896, imagines the first Rector of St. Andrews University to be a member of that race.

Original printed wrappers bound in. Large armorial bookplate of Alexander Campbell Hill to the front pastedown, some glue stains around the edges. Binding very slightly rubbed on the extremities.

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