Toki seou [Bearing the Weight of Time].
Kamisaki’s lamentations on time, as expressed through quotes from influential thinkers.
In this title, Kamisaki has selected quotations on the concept of time from fourteen famous people including Longfellow, Sandburg, Balzac, Beethoven, Gissing and Disraeli, among others. The first and last quote is accompanied by an illustration of a clockmaker doll – the first shows the doll from the front, and the last shows the same doll from behind. Between these two moments are twelve quotes next to twelve bookplate designs. This curious book is similar to a book Kamisaki published in the previous year, Toki to ningyo to [Time and Dolls].
In the colophon, the limitation is 42, but Kamisaki has numbered it ‘bangai’ (‘extra copy’/outside limitation), which can be understood as an artist proof copy.
Rare. No copies in OCLC.