[BALOGH (Lord Thomas).] &
STREETEN (Paul). Edited by.
Unfashionable Economics. Essays in Honour of Lord Balogh.
A collection of essays written in honour of the Hungarian-born British political economist Thomas Balogh, Baron Balogh (1905-1985). The selection includes a biographical piece of Balogh by the distinguished American economist Paul Streeten along with a contribution by the Nobel Prize winning Swedish economist Gunnar Myrdal, amongst others.
Balogh was a ‘heterodox political economist, an adviser to numerous governments and central banks, as well as being Adviser on Economic Affairs in the Cabinet Office of the UK during Harold Wilson’s premiership. His contributions to development economics were mostly critical rather than creative, showing the weaknesses in a variety of models and policies. He was welcomed by progressive governments for his ability to understand the politics of decision-making and to identify equitable solutions’ (Palgrave Companion to Oxford Economics, p. 35).