KÖHL (Hermann).,
VON HÜNEFELD (E.G. Freiherr).
Unser Ozeanflug. Lebenserinnerungen.
A presentation copy, briefly inscribed on the front free endpaper, only the name ‘Hermann Köhl’, and the date 8/12 1929 being legible. Pasted above the inscription an original photograph of a group of men, many in uniform, at some sort of ceremony.
Köhl saw service as a pilot in the Great War, and after the war went in to commercial aviation, becoming the head of Deutsche Lufthansa’s night flight service. After Lindbergh flew the Atlantic from west to east, the race was on to be the first to make the crossing in the other direction, against the prevailing winds. Hünefeld was the sponsor who purchased the aircraft in which Köhl and Fitzmaurice, a member of the Irish Air Corps, and Hünefeld flew from Ireland to Labrador in Canada, the first to do so.
Back board a touch soiled.