JAMES (Edwin)

Account of an Expedition from Pittsburg to the Rocky Mountains


performed in the year 1819, 1820. By order of the Hon. J.C.Calhoun, Secretary of war, under the Command of Maj. S.H.Long, of the U.S. Top. Engineers. Compiled from the notes of Major Long, Mr. T. Say, and other Gentlemen of the party.

First London edition. 3 vols. Two coloured frontispieces, a coloured “Indian map”, 5 further aquatint illustrations, a large folding map and a smaller profile map also folding. Contemporary half calf, rebacked and re-cornered over early marbled boards, uncut. vii,344,4(ads).; vii,356; vii,347pp. London, Longman, 1823.


The London edition was preceded by the first which was printed in Philadelphia. This copy has two frontispieces in original colour.

Although achieving neither of its aims, having failed to find the sources of either the Platte or Red rivers, the Long expedition covered a vast stretch of country from Colorado, camping at the site of what is now Denver, through to New Mexico and Texas.

Each volume bears the engraved armorial bookplate of Vincent Stuckey, once William Pitt’s secretary and later a noted Bristol merchant and banker. Sabin, 35683.

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