SEUTTER (Matthaus).
Accurata Globi terrestris delineatio, qua Europa, Asia, Africa et America ...
Matthaüs Seutter (1678-1757) was apprenticed as an engraver to Johann Baptist Homann in Nuremberg in 1697; he subsequently worked for Jeremias Wolff in Augsburg, where he established his own publishing house in about 1710. The firm became one of the two major German cartographic publishers of the day, in direct competition with Homann. Seutter was appointed Geographer to Emperor Charles VI in 1732.
In a forty-year period Seutter published over 500 maps. His best known works are the folio atlases, the Atlas Geographicus [1725], the Atlas Novus [1730] and the Grosser Atlas [1734]; these were composite atlases assembled at the request of the buyer, with hugely variable contents; copies of the Grosser Atlas are known with 300 maps.
He also published the Atlas Minor [1744], a successful attempt to market his large folio maps (and atlases) for a less affluent audience. Produced at the height of his powers, it was the best atlas of its size available in Germany. The Accurata Globi terrestris delineatio contains six maps from the Atlas Minor, folded to playing card size, the title label illustrated with figures personifying the four continents. It is very rare. OCLC locates but two copies, a complete copy at the SLNSW with six maps (as here) and an incomplete one at the University of Amsterdam (with only three maps).
Reference: Nordenskiold Collection Catalogue, II, 283: the Atlas Minor.