The Adventures of a French Serjeant, during his Campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia &c. from 1805 to 1823.
Sandler 1566. Sandler 1565 & Tulard 346 for the French first edition of the same year.
Tulard describes them as “mémoires apocryphes rédigés par Charles Barabaroux”. Highly-colourful tale. The author, Guillemard, served under Admiral Villeneuve, and purports to be the man who shot Nelson at Trafalgar. He then joined the army and was wounded at Wagram; on recovery he fought, and was captured, in Spain, being imprisoned at Cabrera, before escaping to fight another day.
This a very nice unsophisticated copy of the Second Edition with the inked ownership stamp of Robert Montgomery of Convoy to the front pastedown and his ownership inscription to the title page.