The Adventures of a French Serjeant, during his Campaigns in Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia &c. from 1805 to 1823.

Second Edition. Some browning, particularly at the fore-edge, front hinge cracking but sound, otherwise very good in the publisher’s patterned red cloth on drab boards, slightly rubbed, upper joint slightly split at the head. xvi, 346pp. ad. leaf. Henry Colburn, 1826.


Sandler 1566. Sandler 1565 & Tulard 346 for the French first edition of the same year.

Tulard describes them as “mémoires apocryphes rédigés par Charles Barabaroux”. Highly-colourful tale. The author, Guillemard, served under Admiral Villeneuve, and purports to be the man who shot Nelson at Trafalgar. He then joined the army and was wounded at Wagram; on recovery he fought, and was captured, in Spain, being imprisoned at Cabrera, before escaping to fight another day.

This a very nice unsophisticated copy of the Second Edition with the inked ownership stamp of Robert Montgomery of Convoy to the front pastedown and his ownership inscription to the title page.

Stock No.