OGILBY (John), translator.

Africa: Being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Ægypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid, the Land of Negroes, Guinee, Æthiopia, and the Abyssines; with all the adjacent islands, either in the Mediterranean, Atlantick, Southern or Oriental Sea, bel

First edition. 46 engraved maps & plates (some folding), and numerous illustrations. Folio. Contemporary mottled calf, rebacked, with the original richly gilt back laid down. [xii], 768pp. London, Tho. Johnson, 1670.


Ogilby only turned his attention to cartography at the age of sixty-six and became Royal Cosmographer in 1671. This is the first volume of a projected atlas of the world, he also published volumes on America, Japan, China and Asia. The work is however basically a translation of Dapper, whom he acknowledges in his entertaining preface, though it does contain some additional observations. Ogilby would find lasting fame with his publication of the first ‘road atlas’ of Britain in 1675.

Provenance: The Earl of Breadalbaine with his C18th armorial bookplate, thereafter with the Stowe Library label. title. Theal, p220.

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