Al-madatan al-thaniat wal-tasi'at min mithaq Jami'at al-Duwal al-'Arabiyah... (Article 2 and Article 9 of the Charter of the Arab League.

Arab Brotherhood and Alliance

[With:] The Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance Convened between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. [With:] Instrument of Accession of the Kingdom of Yemen to The Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance Convened between Iraq and The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.)

Arabic text. 8vo. Original light green printed wrappers, stapled; staples slightly rusty, small tears to head and tail of spine, wrappers a little stained and dust-soiled. A good copy of a fragile pamphlet. [2]title, [4]; [2], 7, [1]; [2], 7, [1]pp. Baghdad, Matba’at al-Hukumah (Government Press), 1947.


A seemingly unrecorded official pamphlet, reprinting articles from the Charter of the Arab League (22 March 1945) and previous treaties between Iraq, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. Published two years after the formation of the League, it was most likely produced to demonstrate Iraq’s part in earlier efforts of rapprochement and pan-Arab cooperation.

It contains articles II (stating the purpose of the League, namely the strengthening of relations between member-states) and IX (allowing the member-states to conclude further agreements in line with the League’s tenets) from the 1945 charter, part of The Treaty of Arab Brotherhood and Alliance convened between Iraq and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (signed on 10 Muharram 1335/April 1936) and the instrument of Accession of the Kingdom of Yemen to that treaty.

The 1936 treaty between Iraq and Saudi Arabia was an important step in the improved relations between the previously unfriendly Kingdoms. Though it represented pan-Arab ideas, the draft agreements —objected to by the British— were more radical, and even proposed a mutual defensive treaty against aggression by a third party against either Kingdom. (see: Yehoshua Porath, In Search of Arab Unity 1930-1945, Routledge, 1986, p.181-3).

No copies in Copac/Jisc or WorldCat.

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