JACHMANN (E[duard Karl Edmanuel].)
Allgemeine Grundzüge einer Flotten-Tactik nach der Holländischen Tactik des Ritter von Kingsbergen.
Scarce, one copy only on OCLC, no copy apparanetly on KVK.
Study of the tactical methods of Jan Hendrik van Kinsbergen, Dutch cartographer and naval commander, who, in the employ of Catherine the Great, defeated the Turkish Fleet in the Black Sea and subsequently fought at Dogger Bank in 1781.
Jachmann was promoted to Rear-Admiral by Wilhelm I for his efforts against the Danish Squadron at Rügen in 1864. Loosely inserted is an 8pp. pamphlet containing Thomas Hansen’s address at Jachmann’s funeral, a little browned, published Oldenburg, no date, but presumably 1887.
Ink stamp to title page and library label to front pastedown of Paul Friedrich August, Grossherzog von Oldenburg (1783-1853).