Alphabetum Romanum.

25 letters of the alphabet from the original initials written by Felice Feliciano, all coloured by hand by Ameglio Trivella after the original manuscripts. Illustrations in text and five heliogravure plates of ancient inscriptions. One of 400 copies. 8vo., original dark brown morocco backed paper covered boards with Officina Bodoni device blocked in gold on upper cover, original slipcase (top edge rubbed). Verona, printed on the hand-press at the Offcina Bodoni, 1960.


One of the 400 copies of the English edition, translated by R.H. Boothroyd, of this handsome facsimile of the treatise by Felice Felciano on the geometrical contruction of Roman capital letters using the square and circle (now Codex Vat. lat. 6852). There were also German and French editions published in the same year.Mardersteig contributed an excellent introduction on the revival of the letter-forms in Roman inscription and on Felice Feliciano and his alphabet construction.A very good copy with the booklabel of Ruari McLean and the single prospectus leaf inserted loose.

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