WITEKIND, monk of Corbie (fl. 966)

Annales . . . editi de fide codicis manuscripti, & e publicato exemplari alicubi aucti . . . studio & opera Reineri Reineccii Steinhemii. Frankfurt, ex typographica And. Wecheli,

Woodcut printer’s device on title, ornamental woodcut initials, ornamental head-piece. Sm. folio. [4]ff. 71pp. Boards, 1599.


Witekind’s three books on the history of Saxony from the year 919 - 973 were first published in 1532. This is the second edition of this important work which according to Potthast is “in jeder Beziehung eine der vorzüg lichtsten Quellen des Mittelalters”. It is followed by the first edition of the Appendix de familia et rebus gestis Palatinorum Saxoniae excerpted from the Chronicon Gozecensis (see Potthast I, p. 268) and a life of Henry the Lion taken from the chronicle of Helmold, which is also apparently published here for the first time. Lightly browned. Adams W214 (lacking the second two parts)

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