[ROLAND (Marie-Jeanne)]

Appel a l'Impartiale Postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland, Femme du Ministre de l'Intérieur,

"O Liberté, que de crimes on commet en ton nom!" - the Autobiography of Madame Roland.

ou Recueil des Ecrits qu’elle a rédigés, pendant sa Détention, aux Prisons de l’Abbaye de Sainte-Pélagie… Four parts bound in one. Light browning throughout, but overall very good in contemporary mottled calf, a little rubbed, joints cracking, lacks spine label. viii, 128pp., iv, 106pp., [ii], 116pp., [iv], 140pp. Chez Louvet, Libraire, Maison Egalité, Galerie Neuve, Paris, n.d, 1795.


Wife of the Interior Minister, and justly reputed as a Revolutionary thinker and writer in her own right, Madame Roland had been the hostess of one of the most influential salons of the period, Roberspierre having been amongst those who frequented these occasions. However, on the fall of the Girondists she was imprisoned, tried for harbouring Royalist sympathies, and executed in November 1793.

This memoir was written on materials smuggled into her by sympathetic guards at the Conciergerie, and edited and published by her friend the Natural Historian L.A.G. Bosc “au profit de sa fille unique, privé de la fortune de ses pere et mere, dont les biens sont toujours séquestrés.”

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