[Archive of documents, letters ephemera, and publications concerning the first years of the Royal Horticultural Society]


Over 50 printed and manuscript items. 4to. Early diced green calf, sunned, extremities rubbed, but interior clean and bright. London, 1804 -, 1827.


A handsome assortment of material concerning the establishment, and first twenty years, of what would become the Royal Horticultural Society.

The album belonged to the noted surgeon and botanist Thomas Gery Cullum (1774-1831). He studied at Charterhouse, was apprenticed to the surgeon Richard Hayles, and later practised medicine in Bury St. Edmunds. In 1774 he published Florae Anglicae based on the Linnaean system. This album opens with the printed notice advising of his election to fellow of Horticultural Society as at 1 November 1814. However, the document following it, dated 2 May of the same year, already lists him among them.

The idea of a horticultural society was first proposed by John Wedgwood, son of Josiah, in an 1801 letter to William Forsyth at the Royal Gardens, Kew. He notes In a postscript he asks Forsyth to sound out Sir Joseph Banks on the idea. Banks responded enthusiastically and asked to become one of the founding members. The Marquess of Lansdowne and a Mr Jervis of Staffordshire were soon added to the list but it was another two years before the society was officially founded. “Not until Wednesday, 7 March 1804, was the Society’s inaugural meeting held, in the house of the bookseller Mr. Hatchard … Apart from Wedgwood and Forsyth the meeting was attended by five others; the Rt Hon. Sir Joseph Banks, the Rt. Hon Charles Greville, Richard Anthony Salisbury, William Townsend Aiton, and James Dickson.” Fletcher continues, “What manner of men were these who thus founded the Royal Horticultural Society? Four were amateur gardeners and one of the four an eminent botanist; two were professional gardeners; the other a nurseryman and seedsman; and with one possible exception they were all quite remarkable apart from their connection with the Society and their horticultural interests” (Fletcher).

Dated, 7 March 1804, the first printed document of the Society includes the following: “It is now proposed to institute a Society for the sole purpose of encouraging HORTICULTURE in its different branches; to form a Repository for all the knowledge which can be collected on this Subject, and to give stimulus to the exertions of individuals for its farther improvement.” A second meeting was held a week later, and an ‘anniversary’ meeting on 30 May by which time 97 members had been enrolled. That first document, the list of members, plus the ballot for electing council members, are all present here.

The remainder of the album is a rich digest of material documenting the growth and administration of this vital organisation, which would naturally come to open its own garden and this volume includes material relating to that.

The Society opened its garden in 1823.

Provenance: Sir Thomas Gery Cullum, Bart.

Fletcher, H.R., The Story of the Royal Horticultural Society, 1804-1968, (OUP, 1969), pp.22-23.

The contents are as follows:

Printed letter, signed and dated in manuscript by Salisbury, to Cullum, informing him of his election as a Fellow of the Horticultural Society of London. November 1, 1814. 4pp., including integral address leaf.

List of the Fellows of the Horticultural Society of London, May 2, 1814. 8pp.

Printed letter, dated April 7, 1815, announcing the date and time of a meeting. 4pp., including integral address leaf.

Charter and Bye-Laws of the Horticultural Society of London. London: Bulmer and Co., 1816. 50pp.

[Handbill dated March 7, 1804, beginning:] At a Meeting held at Mr. Hatchard’s house, for the purpose of instituting a Society for the Improvement of Horticulture … [London,] Brettell, printer, [1804] [3], [1, blank]pp. Signed in print by John Wedgwood, includes a printing of the rules of the Society on p. 3. Believed to be the earliest publication relating to the RHS and with no examples at the RHS.

Balloting List for the Council … at the Election of May 30, 1804. 1p. handbill, with list of 21 members nominated for election to the council.

List of the Members of the Horticultural Society of London. [May 1804]. [3], [1, blank] pp. The first printed list of members of the Society.

Report of the Garden Committee on the Formation and Progress of the Garden. London: 1823. 11, [1]pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1816. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 3, [1, blank] pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1818. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1821. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society, From May 1st, 1813, to April 30th, 1814. 1p.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society, From May 1st, 1815, to May 1, 1816. 1p.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society, From May 1st, 1816, to May 1, 1817. 1p.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society, From May 1st, 1817, to May 1, 1818. 1p.

Partly-printed receipt signed by Elliot and Turner, to Sir Thomas Cullum, for 2 guineas received for his annual subscription to the Horticultural Society.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society, From May 1st, 1818, to May 1, 1819. 1p.

State of the Accounts of the Horticultural Society of London, for the Years ending May 1, 1820 and May 1, 1821. [4]pp.

[Six printed items relating to the opening of the garden in April 1823]

Report &c. [caption title, being the first report of the Garden Committee]. [March 1823]. 26pp., plus engraved folding plan by Arrowsmith.

[Printed letter from Sabine regarding the plan and object of the garden]. 25 February 1822. [1]pp.

Bye-Laws for the Garden of the Horticultural Society of London. London: 1822. 15, [1]pp.

List of the Horticultural Society of London. January 31, 1820. 39pp.

List of the Horticultural Society of London. May, 1820. 44, [2]pp. The final leaf headed Notice Relative to Application for Grafts.

List of the Fellows of the Horticultural Society of London, May 2, 1814. 8pp.

List of the Horticultural Society of London. July, 1816. 23pp.

List of the Horticultural Society of London. January, 1819. 28pp.

List of the Horticultural Society of London. May 1, 1822. 67pp.

[List of the] Horticultural Society of London. May 1, 1823. 72pp.

Balloting List for the Officers. May 1, 1827. 1p. on pink paper.

Balloting List for the Council. May 1, 1827. 1p. on yellow paper.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1816. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1817. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1818. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1819. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp. [2 copies]

Horticultural Society of London, May 1, 1821. Subjects for the Medals and Rewards. 4 pp.

Form of Recommendation for a Fellow of the Horticultural Society [unaccomplished partly-printed form]. [20 copies]

Autograph letter signed from John Turner to Cullum, regarding his recommendation of Mr. Pemberton. February 10, 1820.

Sinclair, John. Address to the Board of Agriculture, on Tuesday the 22d April, 1816. 12pp.


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