Articulorum symboli apostolici de filio dei domino nostro Iesu Christi... Explicatio ex praelectionibus Davidis Chytraei collecta, & edita a Ioanne Fredero. Wittenberg, excusa per haeredes Ioan. Cratonis, 1584. [Bound with:] De baptismo et eucharistia, ex
First and only editions of these two works by the Lutheran divine and historian, the first edited by his son-in-law Johann Freder (1544-1604), also professor of theology at Rostock. David Chytraeus (1531-1600), or Kochhafe, was professor at Rostock and spent considerable time travelling around Germany, stabilising the union and harmony of the emerging Lutheran Church. He was one of the six theologians engaged on the Form of Concord (1576) and had completely rewritten two articles of the Swabian Concord on Free Will and the Lord’s Supper. In his youth he was a favourite of his master Melanchthon and lived in his house; in later life, however, he came to oppose some of Melanchthon’s views. Of the three developing Lutheran parties Chytraeus was a member of the centre one, along with such theologians as Martin Chemnitz and Jakob Andreae. I. VD16 C2507. Adams C1574. OCLC (US: Columbia, Luther Seminary Library only). II. VD16 C2508. OCLC (no copies in US).