An Attempt to Strip Negro Emancipation of its Difficulties as well as its Terrors.
Two issues were published in the same year, the other by G. Woodfall, who also printed this copy.
The author’s bold plan for emancipation suggests that “slaves should be made public property. Only by securing ownership over them would the country have a positive right to legislate for and, in time, free them … The negroes should be purchased out of public funds at £100 each. Colonial annuities should be issued to cover the expense and the blacks should be hired out to their former masters at a rate sufficient to meet interest charges and progressively extinguish the debt within 37 years” (Ragatz).
He argues that it’s in the interests of the planter to consider abolition of slavery and emancipation, and concludes on an ominous note: “The late proceedings in Parliament have strangely agitated all classes; and God grant that we may not … have a practical lesson, to teach us that the necessity of immediate measures existed long since, and that it is now too late to interfere; for if an insurrection unfortunately breaks out in any one quarter where it can gain head, insubordination, with all its dreaded consequences of rapine and murder, will spread like wildfire, and our colonies are for ever gone!”
Ragatz, pp.416-7; Sabin, 81897.