An Aunt's Advice to a Niece, in a letter to Miss **** *******. Also Some Account of a Correspondence with the late Rev. Dr. Dodd, During his Imprisonment. By Mary Bosanquet.

Second Edition. 8vo. [4], 75, [1]pp. Contemporary calf, gilt spine (joints rubbed and slightly cracked).Leeds: by J. Bowling, And Sold by J. Binns, 1780.


With the half-title. Printed in the same year as the first edition. The author, a Methodist, appears to have been an old acquaintance of Dodd’s and she prints, from what is claimed to have been an almost weekly correspondence, her first letter to him of February 1777 and his last brief note to her written on 25 June 1777 two days before his execution for forging the signature of his former pupil the Earl of Chesterfield on a bond for £4200.Bound with: ROWLAND (Rev. Daniel), “Three Sermons upon Practical Subjects, … preached at the New-Church in Langeitho, South-Wales. … And now attempted to be translated from the Original British, by the Rev. John Davies. London: for the Editor, Thomas Davies, [etc.], 1778. [2], 98pp.

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