WAUGH, Evelyn (1903 - 1966). Novelist.
Autograph Postcard Signed ("E. W.") to H. J. Heckford (of 17 Stanley Street, Colne),
"the Life of Ronald Knox will be on sale early next term..."
To a member of Oxford’s Quadragesimo Club: “Thank you for your kind invitation to the Quadragesimo Club. If the Trade Unions … permit, the Life of Ronald Knox will be on sale early next term. Your members should buy copies & study them at leisure …”
The Quadragesimo Club, named after Pius XI’s Quadragesimo Anno (1931), was a Catholic society, so it is unsurprising that they would enquire after Waugh’s Life of Knox, which came out the same year as this letter was written.
Very good condition.