Baptist Lake.

“New Edition” (i.e. second edition) 8vo., original light blue cloth. London: Ward and Downey, 1896.


The second volume in “a collection of prose writings by John Davidson” that was initiated in the same year with The Pilgrimage of Strongsoul. Ads project two more volumes, The Wonderful Mission of Earl Lavender (first published in 1895) and Ninian Jamieson (which first appeared in 1890). In fact, Ninian Jamieson appeared in 1897 as promised, but there is no record of a reprint of Earl Lavender, which was to have appeared in 1896, in the British Library Catalogue, WorldCat, or COPAC. The publisher may have been attempting to capitalize on Davidson’s reputation as a poet, which crested in 1896. The binding is uniform with the other two, though with the publisher’s name at the foot of the spines. Assuming that Earl Lavender was not reprinted, the collection includes all volumes in the Collected Prose. Whereas the first editions are fairly common, these reprints are almost never seen. Spine a little darkened and spattered otherwise a very good copy.

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