A New Edition [edited by Ernest Dowson] With a Critical Essay on the Author by Vincent O’Sullivan and a Frontispiece Five Initial Letters and a Cover Design Illustrative and Decorative by Aubrey Beardsley Together with an Eulogy on the Author by Robert Ross. One of 100 numbered copies on Japanese vellum, with the plates in two states, of a total edition of 1100. 4to., original vellum decorated in gilt with an allover design by Beardsley. London: Leonard Smithers and Co., 1898.
The extra set of plates, printed full size rather than the vignette size of those in the text, is vastly superior to the muddy ordinary set. A fine copy of this beautiful issue. The book has a printed dedication to “The mother of the gifted artist whose work, had he lived to complete the series of twenty four drawings in course of preparation, would have so enriched it.”