TRICHET DU FRESNE (Rafaelle Du). & FIALETTI (Odoardo).

Briefve histoire de l'institution des Ordres Religieux. Avec les figures de leurs habits, gravéEs sur le cuivre par Odoart Fialetti, bolognois.

Small 4to. [204 x 147 mm]. [8], 45p., [73] engraved plates, engraved sub-title after the title with two cherubs supporting a banner with a coat-of-arms of the dedicatee (Monsr De La Porte) and the title, head-pieces woodcut, initials. Mid-18th-Century English light-brown polished calf, spine gilt in compartments, morocco lettering piece, red edges. Handsome copy.

Paris: Chez Adrien Menier, 1658.


First French edition of De gli habiti delle religioni con le armi, e breue descrittion (Venice: Marco Sadeler, 1626). It appears that some copies contain an etched Italian text facing each plate which is not the case here, but the French descriptions and number of plates are complete (with the allegoric figure of Religion followed by 72 plates). Odoardo Fialetti (1573- 1638) first studied under Giovanni Battista Cremonini in his home town before moving on to Rome and Venice where he entered the school of Tintoretto.

Raphael Trichet du Fresne (1611-1661) was the first publisher of Leonardo’s treatise on painting in 1651 and author of the first published annotated art bibliography.

Provenance: Earls of Macclesfield, Shirburn Castle, Oxfordshire, with North Library bookplate and small armorial blindstamp on the title.

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