[GRIERSON (Lt. Col. J. M.)] & & KNOTEL (Richard) illustrations.

The British Army.

By a Lieutenant-Colonel in the British Army. With an Introduction by Major-General F. Maurice, C.B.

First edition. 27 plates, 13 coloured (10 of which are chromolithograph uniform groups by Knotel, the other 3 being colours, guidons and badges), and numerous illustrations. 4to. Original pictorial khaki cloth, occasional light browning. vii, 256 pp. London, Sampson, Low et al., 1899.


See Ogilby 519: “This book was the English version using the same plates … of Pflugk-Harttung, Dioe Heere und Flotten der Gegenwart, Vol. II Grossbritannien und Irland, Berlin, 1897”.

A slip tipped into the from of the volume explains the choice of “Khaki” for the binding: “It occurred to the Publishers of this work on “The British Army” that it would be appropriate to bind it in the actual material used for the uniforms of our Soldiers in South Africa, etc.”

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