[KAY (Sir John William) & & DUFF (Rev. Alexander).]

The Calcutta Review.


Four vols in three. 8vo. A very good set in contemporary quarter sheep over marbled boards, spine gilt, extremities a little worn, ms. annotations in pencil to front free endpapers. [viii], 584, iii, [errata]; [vi.ads], 7, [1], ii, ii, 608; [iv], [211]-462, [xxxiii]-lxxii; iv, iv, 520, lxxiv, [2]pp. Calcutta, Printed for the Proprietor, by Sanders and Cones, at the Loll Bazar Press, 1844 -, 1845.


A substantial, in-depth digest of life in pre-Mutiny India. This set includes the issues for May-August 1844 (I), October-December 1844 (II), January-June 1845 (III) and July-December 1845 (IV).

The opening advertisement states that “the object of this work is simply to bring together such useful information, and propagate such sound opinions, relating to Indian affairs, as will, it is hoped, conduce, in some small measure, directly or indirectly, to the amelioration of the condition of the people.” Diverse matters such as the rural population of Bengal, the Ameers of Sindh, and the massacre at Benares, indigenous education, the Sikhs, Kasmir, and Hindu algebra are all covered.

The periodical was bought by the Calcutta University Press in 1921 and continues to this day.

Stock No.