CAREW (Richard). & BASSET (Francis Lord de Dunstainville).

Carew's Survey of Cornwall; to which are added notes illustrative of the history and antiquities by the late Thomas Tonkin.

First edition, thus. Stipple engraved portrait frontispiece. 4to. Modern half morocco, back gilt, the preliminaries rather browned. xxxix, 459pp. London, Bensley for Faulder New Bond St and Rees and Curtis, Plymouth, 1811.


A late edition of Carew which had been published at the beginning of the seventeenth century and re-issued with revisions at various dates. This edition includes material not before published.

With Cornish provenance being from the libraries of Arthur Quiller Couch, and John Le Carré. A former reader (“Q”?) has made pencil notes on the verso of the last leaf relating to Cornish etymology.

Stock No.