Casa Rossa. Phantasie über das Bild von Niklaus Stoecklin.

7 plates being a reproduction of the painting and six details in heliogravure. One of 220 copies. Folio, original half vellum with patterned paper covered boards, uncut, a very good copy. Hand-printed on the hand press of the Officina Bodoni in Bodoni Casale type. Verona. November, 1927.


Privately printed for Mardersteig’s great friend Georg Reinhart who contributed a postscript. In his “An Account of the Work of a Hand Press…” Mardersteig writes of how this book came to pass: “On one occasion we were both staying in the Tössertobel [Reinhart’s house]. I repeatedly found him [Reinhart] deep in thought in front of the painting “Casa Rossa”, a notable Ticino landscape by Niklaus Stoecklin which dominated the staircase”…They decided to photograph the picture and send the prints to Ernst Grosse, the great sinologist, who invented a fairy-tale based on them. Grosse died soon after completing the manuscript and in his memory Reinhart decided to produce this book appointing Mardersteig as the printer. Mardersteig, no. 24.

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