FRISCH (Ragnar).

Changing Harmonics and Other General Types of Components in Empirical Series.

Original offprint. 8vo. [1], [220]-236 pp. Original brown printed wrappers, stapled as issued. Uppsala, Almqvist & Wiksellls Boktryckeri. Extracted from the Skandinavisk Aktuarietidskrift, 1928.


Front cover with “Hommage de l’auteur” rubber stamp, pencilled address “Storgt. 9. Oslo. Norway”, pencilled correction to title, with components misspelt “componenents”, later ownership inscription of Robert S. Weinberg in black ink.

An important article in the development of Frisch’s methodology, in which he introduced the term changing harmonics to express the idea of changing cyclical properties.

‘Ragnar Frisch was a pioneer of ‘econometrics’, a name which he himself coined, that union of mathematical and statistical methods applied to the testing of economic hypotheses which, he firmly believed, would at long last establish economics as a science. He founded the Econometric Society in 1930, edited Econometrica from 1933-5, and was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Economics in 1969, jointly with Jan Tinbergen for his services to econometric modelling and measurement’ (Blaug, Great Economists Since Keynes).

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