BURNEY (James).

A Chronological History of the Discoveries in the South Sea or Pacific Ocean.

Part I. Commencing with an Account of the earliest Discoveries of that Sea by Europeans, And terminating with the Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, in 1579. [Part II. From the Year 1597, to the Year 1620; Part III. From the Year 1620, to the Year 1688; Part IV. To the Year 1723, including a History of the Buccaneers of America; Part V. To the Year 1764].

First edition. 5 vols. Twenty-eight engraved maps, 16 of which are folding (some with the usual offsetting), with 13 engraved plates. 4to. Early cloth, backs soiled with old morocco labels. London, 1803 -, 1817.


An excellent set of this important collection which was compiled to complement Hawkesworth and the two other Cook voyages, the whole to comprise a complete account of Pacific exploration. Hill states that “many of the voyages to California would be inaccessible were they not… [here] collected” calling the work the “most important general history of early South Sea discoveries, containing practically everything of importance on the subject…” Hill, 221; Sabin, 9387; Ferguson, 372.

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