Part I. Commencing with an Account of the earliest Discoveries of that Sea by Europeans, And terminating with the Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, in 1579. [Part II. From the Year 1597, to the Year 1620; Part III. From the Year 1620, to the Year 1688; Part IV. To the Year 1723, including a History of the Buccaneers of America; Part V. To the Year 1764].
First edition. 5 vols. Twenty-eight engraved maps, 16 of which are folding (some with the usual offsetting), with 13 engraved plates. 4to. Early cloth, backs soiled with old morocco labels. London, 1803 -, 1817.
An excellent set of this important collection which was compiled to complement Hawkesworth and the two other Cook voyages, the whole to comprise a complete account of Pacific exploration. Hill states that “many of the voyages to California would be inaccessible were they not… [here] collected” calling the work the “most important general history of early South Sea discoveries, containing practically everything of importance on the subject…” Hill, 221; Sabin, 9387; Ferguson, 372.