BOOLE (George).

The Claims of Science,

Especially as Founded in its Relations to Human Nature: A Lecture delivered in Queen’s College, Cork, at the opening of the third session in October, 1851.

First Edition. 8vo. 32, pp., plain modern wrappers, with printed paper label. London, Taylor, Walton, and Maberly, 1851.


Published at Boole’s own expense, a lecture given during his Professorship at the University of Cork, in the middle of his most productive years as a mathematician and logician, which earned him his place as one of the founding fathers of the science of information technology and the naming of a crater after him on the moon.

Half title silked, title page with old tear repaired at the margin with archival paper, fore edges of the first two leaves chipped, ink stamp of the Birmingham Medical Institute on the title page, a few pencil markings in the margins.

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