JEFFERYS (Thomas sr.).

The Coast of Yucatan from Campeche to Bahia del Ascension; with the West End of Cuba, ... [&] The Island of Cuba with part of the Bahama Banks & the Martyrs. ...

Copperplate engraving, 490 x 1235 mm, with titles, on two sheets joined. This is a good example, with show-through of glue from the guard. London : Robert Sayer and John Bennett, 20 Feby, 1775.


The map covers an area bounded by the tip of Florida with the Keys south to Great Cayman, and from the top of the Yucartan Peninsula eastwards to Cuba, excluding the eastern tip of that island.

Although complete in itself, this map is formed from two sheets from Thomas Jefferys’s sixteen sheet chart, which was intended in his projected West India Atlas, published posthumously by Sayer and Bennett in 1775, which was the standard atlas of the region throughout the American Revolutionary War.

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