CAPELLA (Galeazzo Flavio)
Commentarii . . . delle cose fatte per la restitutione di Francesco Sforza Secondo Duca di Milano. Tradotte di Latino in lingua Toscana per M. Francesco Philipopoli Fiorentino.
First Italian edition of this work on Francesco Sforza II, Duke of Milan (1495-1535) and an early production from the Giolito press. Galeazzo Capella (1487-1537) was secretary to the Duke and his history of the wars in Italy during the 1520’s, focusing on the restitution of the Duke, was first published in Latin in Milan, 1531. The dedication to Federigo Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua, is signed by Gabriel Giolito, who took over the press from his father in 1540 and continued publishing until 1578.
Bongi I, pp. 8/9. Censimento Edit 16 CNCE 9091. Adams C581. BMSTC (Italian), p. 145.