Commentarii utriusque lingua, hoc est, diligens exquisitio nominum, quibus partes corporis humani appellari solent . . . additis et functionum nomenclaturis, & aliis his accidentibus. Basle, Joannes Hervagius,
First edition of this important medical dictionary, with text in Greek and Latin. Camerarius was a classical scholar from Bamberg in southern Germany who edited, translated and annotated many classical authors including Homer, Sophocles, Cicero and Plautus; he also wrote poetry and was the author of works on grammar and style. Some of his literary output was severely criticised by Erasmus to which Camerarius replied in a pamphlet published in 1535 that all great men had occasionally made mistakes.This work is written in a mixture of Greek and Latin, with the numerous medical terms being given in both languages. There are also many quotations from classical authors. BMSTC (German), p. 176. Adams C416.